S4 Jaleesa McCreary | Rest As Seasons Change

Do you feel like the things you normally do to rest are less effective than they used to be? It's possible that you've entered a new season in your life and need to adapt how you rest. In this episode with my friend Jaleesa McCreary, she talks about how she's changed the way she rests as she's transitioned through seasons both in motherhood and professionally. She also addresses the anxiety some of us feel when we consider stopping to rest and the shame that can accompany it, as well as why silence is vital to get acquainted with the Holy Spirit and recognize God's voice.

Resources mentioned:

The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry
The Way of the Dragon or the Way of the Lamb

Follow Jaleesa: Instagram

What If It's Wonderful? - Chapters 1 & 2

“What if it’s actually going to be okay?”

“Hope is not a denial of the cost. It honors the painful reality but does not fall to fear because it knows that what we can see is not all there. Hope celebrates God’s promises and delights in what is possible with Him.” Page 11

Friends we confront some difficult waters coming out of the gate.

Those broken toys.

Only you know what they are for yourself but we see with Peter that our place of brokenness can also be our place of restoration. The charcoal fire was a painful reminder of past decisions and unmet expectations for Peter. We see that Jesus met him in his brokenness. I can’t help but also think about the smell of the charcoal fire. How the smell would repeatedly be that painful reminder of his past. I would want to avoid it. How about you? A fishing boats seems like it would be a good place to do that.

Our flesh will always want to return to what we know when we are trudging through the trenches. We want what’s familiar and what’s comfortable.

Friends this week I want you to create a small reminder for yourself that says “What if it’s actually going to be okay?”

A sticky note, a phone wallpaper. Maybe your crafty (unlike myself!) or you just want to type it out in the comments below.

We have hope my friends. The best hope possible.

We will be posting questions this week for you to answer. But for now, watch the video and ask yourself “what if it’s actually going to be okay?”

Love you ladies!

"For they all wanted to frighten us, thinking, “Their hands will drop from the work, and it will not be done.” But now, O God, strengthen my hands." Nehemiah 6:9

S4 Becky Page | Rest And Trust

Flower Mommas, I am so excited to share this conversation with my friend Becky Page about the connection between rest and trust. Becky and her family have been in a waiting season for the past 4 years after uprooting their lives with nothing but a word from God that good things were ahead if they would trust Him with the outcome. Since the move, her perspective on rest has changed as she's grown closer to God and discovered that true rest isn't self-care, but a heart posture of faith in the Lord.

Follow Becky: Instagram | YouTube

S4 Jenn Jett Barrett | Soul Rest

I've spent this whole season mentioning Camp Well and bringing on guests that I met there when I attended earlier this year. In this episode, I'm so excited to welcome back the founder of Camp Well, Jenn Jett Barrett. In our conversation, she shares how rest is deeper than just treating yourself, it means unpacking the lies we believe to truly stop our worry, wanting, and work to spend time with the Lord. She also chats about how finding her value in God instead of her accomplishments has restored her, why being silent requires practice, and how boundaries function as part of good stewardship of ourselves and the people closest to us.

Resources mentioned:

Pause app
"Total Forgiveness"
Camp Well
Jenn's Instagram

S4 Nicole Zasowski | What If It's Wonderful?

This season I've been focusing on the topic of rest, but with the Flower Momma Box subscription opening for the last time in 2022, I wanted to welcome back my friend Nicole Zasowski to talk about creating a rhythm of celebration.

In this episode, she shares why she thinks it's difficult to celebrate our gifts and accomplishments, why we often think of celebration as frivolous or unimportant, and why thankfulness and gratitude correlate so closely with celebration. She also explains how creating a rhythm of celebration in your home reflects God's grace in our lives and what our kids can learn from setting an example of doing something for ourselves independent of accomplishments.

I'll be including a copy of "What If It’s Wonderful?" in the August Flower Momma Boxes and we'll start a book study with the Flower Momma community starting August 22, 2022. If you'd like to join, text "book" to 940-242-3023.

Follow Nicole: website | Instagram | Facebook

S4 Kathryn Hager | Slow Down, Look Around

Today's episode is inspired by a shirt designed by my friend and guest Kathryn Hager that says "Slow Down, Look Around." Kathryn is the owner of Ramble & Company and she graciously shared her time to discuss what rest looks like for her as a momtrepreneur. In this conversation, she shares how tapping into her mom community has allowed her to help another mom while giving her time to focus on her business, why she has made Sunday Funday a priority for her family, and how she's managed to find some silence in the midst of her hectic schedule. 

Follow Kathryn: website | Instagram | Facebook | Ramble Instagram

S4 Fiona Custer | Forced {Allowed} Rest

In this episode, I'm excited to introduce you to another one of my Camp Well friends, Fiona Custer! During our conversation, she shares about how rest has looked different in various seasons of her life. She also gives some practical ways she's been able to continue to make rest an intentional practice in her life and offers encouragement for mommas who need a reset. Remember, motherhood is not your identity. God still has work and growth for you. Invite Him in and He will meet you in unexpected places.

Resources mentioned:

Mama Bear Apologetics: Empowering Your Kids to Challenge Cultural Lies

Church History in Plain Language

The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name

OK to Wake! Alarm Clock & Night-Light

Dwell app

Chasing Vines: Finding Your Way to an Immensely Fruitful Life

Follow Fiona: website | Instagram | YouTube

July Flower Momma Box

“Lord, show me who you are.”

This is a prayer I have been praying multiple times a day the past few weeks in order to seek Him out and to debunk lies that I have believed for a long time. Something I had been challenged with on my journey in growing closer to the Lord is to not read any other books besides my Bible to realign my heart solely with its truth. It has been way harder than I anticipated, but, again, this challenge is an attempt to clear away the unconscious lies I had been operating from. These lies sounded like: “I am imcompetant, I am a disappointment, and I am not accepted.” …Oof. Even typing that out for you to read is hard because those lies have been so loud in my head and heart for so long. 

In my reading, I have been lingering in the book of Joshua, reading about Rahab, a woman of Faith who is found in the genealogy of Jesus. I think about the conversations that must have taken place before, during, and after the Israelites stormed Jericho. What has caught my attention specifically in my reading is in the time after the walls fell. The Israelites stormed Jericho, the spies went to Rahab and her family and got them out of the city, and they were placed on the outside of the camp. When Rahab and her family were placed on the outside, I question what she must have been feeling. Did she long to be a part of the camp of Israel? Did she feel incompetent, not accepted or smart enough to be a part? Later in the passage, we learn she is accepted by the Israelites, but that short period before she went into the camp stirred compassion in me for what Rahab must have felt.

This month, Flower Mommas received a bouquet of peonies straight from the farms of Alaska! Along with Bubble T Bath Pearls!

Interestingly enough, “Outside the camp of Israel” actually means “Made to rest”. How many times have you longed to be accepted and strived through your own actions to be that version of who you think “they” want instead of resting and waiting for where He wants you? Sometimes what God does in our hearts through obedience is beyond our capacity to understand. Sometimes He is teaching us to trust Him for the outcome instead of trying to achieve it on our own. 

Each month we hide one golden ticket in a randomly chosen box! The winner gets a bonus box either for themself or to encourage another momma who needs it!

This season of The Flower Momma Podcast is all about rest. How do you choose to slow down and cultivate a rhythm of rest in your day to day? What does that even look like? Do you find yourself saying, “If I could just get through this, then I can rest?” Are you finding rest in Him in order to live from a place of rest and a place of being loved, wanted and accepted, or are you living to just get to the next period of rest? 

I want to encourage you, sweet mommas, that rest is achievable even amidst the busiest lives and busiest seasons. “Then Jesus said, Come to me all who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). Ask the Lord who He is to you. True peace and rest will be found while sitting at Jesus’ feet every time. 

Until Next Time

Jenny Lee Hines

For further reading and encouragement:

Hebrews 3:1, Joshua 2 - 6, Matthew 6:6-8

The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer

S4 Cari Trotter | Rest Through Bedrock Scriptures (Psalm 23 & 91)

It's another episode with a Flower Momma favorite, TCT - THE Cari Trotter! In this conversation, we discuss what rest looks like in our different seasons of motherhood and how to model rest for our kids. We also dig into Psalms 23 and 91 which Cari describes as scriptures that our foundational to our faith and share what it's been teaching us about how to take hold of the identity of rest God wants us to operate from. 

Resources mentioned:

Atlas of the Heart: Mapping Meaningful Connection and the Language of Human Experience

Maverick City Music "Breathe"

Follow Cari: Instagram | website | Substack

S4 Kelly Judd | Rest Is Not A Weakness

In busy seasons (and let's be honest, when is there ever a non-busy season?), taking time to rest can feel like failure. But not only is rest not a weakness, it's also what renews us to do the good work God has called us to. In this episode, I'm chatting with my friend Kelly Judd about how she has practiced intentional rest with her family, what she's done to create calm spaces at their home, and how she knows when her family is resting enough to be renewed. 

Follow Kelly: website | Instagram

S4 Kelli Shelton | What Is Rest?

Welcome to season 4, Flower Mommas! Last season we focused on celebrating, but this season it's all about rest. In episode one, I'm excited to introduce you to the founder of the Seek Well ministry, Kelli Shelton, whose mission is to help you learn how to be still, listen to Jesus, and seek Him well. In our conversation, she talks about how she finds space to cultivate rest in busy seasons, what sabbath means and looks like in her life, and why it's vital for moms to find silence in order to cultivate their relationship with God.

Resources mentioned:

The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry: How to Stay Emotionally Healthy and Spiritually Alive in the Chaos of the Modern World
Love Does
Daily Rhythm
Listen - use promo code BOOK

Follow Kelli: website | Instagram | podcast

Flower Momma Summer Reading List

Hey Momma!!

So excited to share my Summer Reading List with you!

In April I took a Social Media Break and it was SO GOOD for the soul! All of these are books I have read since April! Fun fact: I am a very slow reader! I love hold and marking all over them so i buy the book and listen on Audible as well! I hope you enjoy these as much as I did!

The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry

By John Mark Comer

The Perfect thing to read if you are looking for a resource about rest while you are also following along with season 4 of The FM Podcast!


By Bob Goff

I am a big Bob Goff fan! I don’t know that he will ever write something I don’t like! We are distracted by so many things, friends. Noise is everywhere.

Who are you following

by Sadie Robertson Huff

I was waiting to read this on my social media hiatus. I knew I would have to return but I wanted to reset my mindset towards it. Posting with purpose is what I always think before posting anywhere. Such a great read!

The In-Between Place

By Kat Armstrong

Reading this is a waiting period was what my heart needed. It was such an encouragement to me in a season where I wasn’t sure what was next!

What if it’s Wonderful?

By Nicole Zasowski

If I had a book that put to words my mission and life’s purpose behind the Flower Momma Community- it’s this one. hands down. My favorite book after the bible!

A Lineage of Grace

By Francine Rivers

This book I actually listened to in my car while I was driving over the past months. it brought the women in the lineage of Jesus to life and made them relatable and human! What I loved about it even more is it drove me to the Word to read their stories again and again

Where the Crawdads Sing

By Delia Owens

This was a good book to escape! I am excited to see the movie when it comes out now that I have read the book!


By Sadie Robertson Huff

Can you tell I am a Sadie Rob fan? Every page of this had me going “YES AND AMEN!” So good and friends, she even talks about celebration in it!! Beautifully too I might add.

When I Don’t Desire God

By John Piper

This was actually a re-read for me! The first few chapters I always have a hard time pushing through, but man there are beautiful nuggets of wisdom ALL THROUGH this one! If you are in a season fighting for joy - READ THIS and get your highlighter out.

Find Your People

By Jennie Allen

I cannot stress this enough. Read this book. Grab 2- 5 people and go through it. It is life changing. It was for me.


By Cleere Cherry Reaves

If you are looking for a good devotional - This is it friends!

Jesus through Middle Eastern Eyes

by Kenneth E. Bailey

This is a thicker read (Think text book) But it is SO GOOD to have to get a idea of what culture was like when Jesus came! I will never see Christmas the same I can tell you that much!

ADD Stole my car keys

By Rick Green & Umesh Jain

I’ll be honest, I forgot to finish this one.

First few pages are good though!

That a wrap for my summer reading list! Comment and share what you plan to read or if you have already read one, share what you loved about it!

June Flower Momma Box

June Flower Momma Box - Ultimate

June Ultimate Flower Momma Box

When was the last time you stopped to acknowledge and celebrate your strength and resilience? Take it even a step further: when did you last celebrate that strength and resilience as a mama?

This month I want to share three areas of celebration you can practice this summer!

June is National Rose Month! We celebrated with a beautiful bouquet of Garden roses for Flower Mommas!

1) Live Well - How are you spending your time this summer? We have all heard that we only get 18 summers with our children. I love summer, not because it is any less busy, but the cadence of our routines is shifted. We participate in active rest together, putting aside the striving that we do in the school year. Our front door has already become a revolving door of our community with deep conversations on the back porch and kids playing in the sprinklers. How are you prioritizing people? How are you embracing joy and embodying hope with them and preparing for what is to come in the second half of the year?

Flower Momma Subscribers received a bouquet of Garden Roses, a kimono and encouragement in the June Box. Ultimate Subscribers received all of that PLUS this quarters T-Shirt

2) Celebrate Often - Recently, I have intentionally been practicing the art of savoring as a part of my walk of faith through celebration. As my friend Nicole Zasowski says, "Savoring celebrates the ordinary." In a noticed, sweet, joy-filled moment I walk myself through my five senses. What do I see, smell, taste, feel and hear? In doing this I savor the little moments as an act of celebration for my joy-filled, God ordained life. I create a snapshot to remember.

All Flower Momma Subscribers received this beautiful kimono! Ultimate subscribers received the kimono and The June Flower Momma T-Shirt Club shirt!

3) Love Hard - Love big and Love hard. Settle in a posture of gratitude and thankfulness this summer (and always) with your kiddos. Be expectant together for what the second half of the year will look like for your own tribe. Talk through it at the dinner table TOGETHER! Look for ways to encourage one another and those in your village. Show your kids how to love hard!

Until next time, live well, celebrate often and love hard!



For Further Reading and Encouragement

see Psalm 139, Romans 5:8 and John 3:16

Love Does by Bob Goff

P.S. The Flower Momma Box opens up for new subscribers for the final time in 2022 on August 3rd! Get on the waitlist to join first before anyone else by texting WAITLIST to 940.242.3023. By getting on the waitlist and joining on August 3rd you will be able to snag a free bonus item in your first box!

May Flower Momma Box

Presence over Perfection

I don't know about you, but I have struggled with that - presence. I feel like I am constantly asking: How can I be fully present?

In response to this question, in the month of April, I took a break from social media. I had been feeling the urge to take a break for a LONG time; however, I constantly used the excuse that I couldn't, “because of the business”. However, I am here to tell you, on the flip side of it, I survived my social media hiatus! The business is still thriving, and I am even more grateful for my team for helping our business show up on social media while I took a little sabbatical. During that time, I also took a trip to Colorado to Lost Valley Ranch. I have been referring to Psalm 23 with you all for a while now, and I truly felt called to allow the Lord to lead me beside still waters in my time at LVR.

He did just that. During that week, I was able to sit in His presence and hear Him without all the distractions life has to offer. Plus, the ranch had a beautiful brook where I was literally able to be led by still waters and sit and ugly cry. You may be thinking: "Sounds like fun, Jenny... what a vacation…" but I promise it was exactly what my soul needed; it was truly the best kind of break because for the first time in a long time, I got to be still and be fully present at the Lord’s feet.

I was reminded by a sweet new friend that Nehemiah was constantly met with distractions, but he understood the assignment he had been given. He was to build that wall. He could be fully present and focus on his calling because he was tuned in and deeply rooted in where the Lord had him and what was right in front of him. He didn't do it perfectly, but he was obedient and did what he was called to do.

Friends, if I may be so bold, I encourage you - Look up! Where does He have you? What unique calling has he put on your heart? What is right in front of you? Are you being present? Are you striving to do everything perfectly? Are you afraid to do what you know you are called to do out of fear that it won't be perfect?

Those littles, teens, or adult children that are always around you - What are they seeing? Is it a momma that is ready to play? Is she in The Word? Or does she always have her nose in a phone? Ask yourself: Do your children feel seen and known?

This Mother's Day it is my hope and prayer that you are able to sit with Him to reflect on the assignment He has for you! In mom life, with your spouse, maybe as a mompreneur and in your community, ask yourself where is He begging for your attention? Where is he calling you to be present? What is it costing you to NOT be fully present?

He has so much for you; we need only be still and listen.

Happy Mothers Day Mommas!!

Jenny Lee

For Further Reading and Encouragement read Nehemiah and Psalm 139

S3 Jenny Lee Hines | Celebrating Is Worth The Risk

Sweet Flower Mommas, we've reached the end of season 3 and I have absolutely loved sharing all about celebrating - what it looks like, why it's important, and different ways to celebrate!

In this final episode, I’m sharing the message from the Flower Momma box we sent out in April titled "Celebrating is Worth the Risk." 

Don't forget to subscribe to the podcast so you don't miss season 4 coming in June!

S3 Jenny Lee Hines | The Best Pieces Of Advice

April is my birthday month!! So I knew I wanted to do something super special for this weeks episode…

At the beginning of each episode, I ask my guests to share the best piece of advice they’ve received. So for my birthday, I’m recapping the best pieces of advice my guests have shared so far in season 3!

These are pieces of wisdom and knowledge from so many different women, walking so many different seasons of life and they are SO deserving of being shared!!

Episode 11 is now available on Apple and Spotify!

April Flower Momma Message: Celebrating is worth the risk

Last month on The Flower Momma Podcast, my best friend Sav took over the mic! She interviewed me about celebration, and it made me realize -man, I truly do love celebrating! However, we also talked about the fact that celebration doesn't look the same for everybody…and it doesn’t always mean what you think it does! So, let’s dive into that!

For starters: Did you know in the book of Exodus the words "Do not forget" and "Remember" are used 22 times?! I think if I had been set free from slavery I wouldn't forget that! I would be too busy celebrating my deliverance! But God knew better. He KNEW they would forget what He brought them out of.

Now don’t forget this (see why I did there!) we will revisit it later!

Did you also know that celebration requires a little bit of risk? It's true! Let me explain.

One of my favorite stories in the Gospel of John is about Jesus healing a blind man. We read that Jesus puts mud all over his eyes, but that isn't when the healing happened. He commanded him to go wash in a pool of water. The man went and washed, then came home seeing. It took an act of obedience to trust Jesus in what He promised was good. The man had to walk from point A to point B in obedience and trust, that what Jesus said was going to happen. In his obedience, he was trusting Jesus for who He said He was.

Celebration is risky like that. When we are led by our emotions, a lot of the time it takes risk to trust and obey that He is who He says He is. To step outside of what we are really feeling, we have to put one step in front of the other even when we aren't fully sure that what He says will happen is true.

Celebration is an action.

Katherine Wolfe once said so eloquently: "This side of heaven there will always be a low-grade sadness.” We can read that and be weighed down, depressed, and think: "What's the use then?"

…Until we take that first action which is the first step of obedience toward celebrating. Celebration gives us hope. We know He came, and we know He is coming back. We know He is good and faithful. We see this in all the blessings He has given us, and that is why it is important to stop and remember through celebration.

Those first steps the blind man took before his healing took an insane amount of trust and risk. How embarrassing it would have been if he wasn't healed! He would have just walked all that way with mud just splattered all over his face…But He trusted. He took the risk. He put one foot in front of the other filled with anticipation and hope. Celebrating isn't about us, sweet momma. It's about celebrating and remembering (like the Israelites, and us, so often failed to do)- He is good, and He is faithful. Let us remember that Celebration is participating in hope this side of heaven! It’s remembering all that the Lord has done, and trusting all that he will do.

Until next time!


For further reading and encouragement read Psalm 23 and John 9: 1-12

S3 Nicole Zasowski | What If It's Wonderful?

My favorite book is the Bible, but a close second is the latest book from Nicole Zasowski "What If It’s Wonderful?" ​​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​​That's why I'm so excited to share my conversation with her all about celebrating! In this episode, Nicole shares why celebration is so important to her, how savoring counteracts our brain's natural negativity, the ways gratitude and thanksgiving differ, and how you can spot toxic positivity. ​​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​Y'all.. you do NOT want to miss this episode with sweet Nicole!! Head over to Apple or Spotify to catch episode 10 of the Flower Momma Podcast!

S3 Dani Hardy | Seeing The Difference Between His Goodness And His Faithfulness

In this episode, I'm introducing you to my friend, Dani Hardy. Dani is a wife, mother, podcast host, and a pastor at GRACEchurch in Arkansas. In our conversation, she shares about her journey with infertility and what she learned about God's faithfulness through her miracle baby. Dani also offers advice about being intentional about celebrating to remind us of God's remarkable goodness, explains the power of staying present, and talks about what it looks like to daily surrender your agenda and future to Christ.

S3 Jenny Lee Hines | Be Still And Sing Praise

Each month we spend a lot of time praying over and talking through what to write in hopes that it will not only encourage you but inspire you to dig into God’s Word.

In this episode, I’m sharing the message from the box we sent out this month titled "Be Still and Sing Praise." If you'd like to join our Flower Momma Community, don't forget to sign up on our waitlist so you'll be the first to know when we re-open enrollment later this year.