June Flower Momma Box

June Flower Momma Box - Ultimate

June Ultimate Flower Momma Box

When was the last time you stopped to acknowledge and celebrate your strength and resilience? Take it even a step further: when did you last celebrate that strength and resilience as a mama?

This month I want to share three areas of celebration you can practice this summer!

June is National Rose Month! We celebrated with a beautiful bouquet of Garden roses for Flower Mommas!

1) Live Well - How are you spending your time this summer? We have all heard that we only get 18 summers with our children. I love summer, not because it is any less busy, but the cadence of our routines is shifted. We participate in active rest together, putting aside the striving that we do in the school year. Our front door has already become a revolving door of our community with deep conversations on the back porch and kids playing in the sprinklers. How are you prioritizing people? How are you embracing joy and embodying hope with them and preparing for what is to come in the second half of the year?

Flower Momma Subscribers received a bouquet of Garden Roses, a kimono and encouragement in the June Box. Ultimate Subscribers received all of that PLUS this quarters T-Shirt

2) Celebrate Often - Recently, I have intentionally been practicing the art of savoring as a part of my walk of faith through celebration. As my friend Nicole Zasowski says, "Savoring celebrates the ordinary." In a noticed, sweet, joy-filled moment I walk myself through my five senses. What do I see, smell, taste, feel and hear? In doing this I savor the little moments as an act of celebration for my joy-filled, God ordained life. I create a snapshot to remember.

All Flower Momma Subscribers received this beautiful kimono! Ultimate subscribers received the kimono and The June Flower Momma T-Shirt Club shirt!

3) Love Hard - Love big and Love hard. Settle in a posture of gratitude and thankfulness this summer (and always) with your kiddos. Be expectant together for what the second half of the year will look like for your own tribe. Talk through it at the dinner table TOGETHER! Look for ways to encourage one another and those in your village. Show your kids how to love hard!

Until next time, live well, celebrate often and love hard!



For Further Reading and Encouragement

see Psalm 139, Romans 5:8 and John 3:16

Love Does by Bob Goff

P.S. The Flower Momma Box opens up for new subscribers for the final time in 2022 on August 3rd! Get on the waitlist to join first before anyone else by texting WAITLIST to 940.242.3023. By getting on the waitlist and joining on August 3rd you will be able to snag a free bonus item in your first box!

Are You Having Crazy Faith In The Midst Of Chaos?

November marks the beginning of the holidays, and man they can be tough. From running around like a chicken with your head cut off and making the kids Christmas parties, to suffering well in a season where people may be missing from your tribe. Maybe a death occurred, maybe tragedy struck physically and things are just disrupted from what use to be normal. But you are trying your darnest to love your people well.

But Jenny, how do I suffer well?

Let's talk about it. Here are some tangible tips that I hope help you this season or in hopes that this helps you love on someone in your corner.

  • Do not suffer or struggle alone. Be in community. Let people in. Even before the hard times hit. Dig deep and train up for when the hard times hit. (Heb. 10:24-25)

  • Physically confess you are in deep waters. Yes, God knows all we are going through, but speak it aloud and allow Him to hover over you. (Gen. 1:2)

  • Do not Pray in seasons of extraordinary need without the value of linking arms with a trusted circle of fellow believers. Confess your broken heart. Be vulnerable. It is okay to not be okay. (Psalm 34.18)

  • Remember it takes release of pride to reveal suffering, struggle and needs. There is extraordinary freedom when vulnerability is met with suffering well. Confess your weakness. When His sanctifying work is met with the reality of our depravity as humans, we are surrounded with His loving kindness and are able to SEE it! (2 Cor. 12:9)

All in all friend, have hope. If you only choose one thing this season, have hope and find the good in each day. With hope comes faith, and having crazy faith helps you remember you are so loved.

Until next time!

P.S. I hope the towel reminds you of this when you are in the kitchen - which we all know we will be at Thanksgiving! And if you are about to lose it at any point- grab the chocolate. Always chocolate.