May Flower Momma Box

Presence over Perfection

I don't know about you, but I have struggled with that - presence. I feel like I am constantly asking: How can I be fully present?

In response to this question, in the month of April, I took a break from social media. I had been feeling the urge to take a break for a LONG time; however, I constantly used the excuse that I couldn't, “because of the business”. However, I am here to tell you, on the flip side of it, I survived my social media hiatus! The business is still thriving, and I am even more grateful for my team for helping our business show up on social media while I took a little sabbatical. During that time, I also took a trip to Colorado to Lost Valley Ranch. I have been referring to Psalm 23 with you all for a while now, and I truly felt called to allow the Lord to lead me beside still waters in my time at LVR.

He did just that. During that week, I was able to sit in His presence and hear Him without all the distractions life has to offer. Plus, the ranch had a beautiful brook where I was literally able to be led by still waters and sit and ugly cry. You may be thinking: "Sounds like fun, Jenny... what a vacation…" but I promise it was exactly what my soul needed; it was truly the best kind of break because for the first time in a long time, I got to be still and be fully present at the Lord’s feet.

I was reminded by a sweet new friend that Nehemiah was constantly met with distractions, but he understood the assignment he had been given. He was to build that wall. He could be fully present and focus on his calling because he was tuned in and deeply rooted in where the Lord had him and what was right in front of him. He didn't do it perfectly, but he was obedient and did what he was called to do.

Friends, if I may be so bold, I encourage you - Look up! Where does He have you? What unique calling has he put on your heart? What is right in front of you? Are you being present? Are you striving to do everything perfectly? Are you afraid to do what you know you are called to do out of fear that it won't be perfect?

Those littles, teens, or adult children that are always around you - What are they seeing? Is it a momma that is ready to play? Is she in The Word? Or does she always have her nose in a phone? Ask yourself: Do your children feel seen and known?

This Mother's Day it is my hope and prayer that you are able to sit with Him to reflect on the assignment He has for you! In mom life, with your spouse, maybe as a mompreneur and in your community, ask yourself where is He begging for your attention? Where is he calling you to be present? What is it costing you to NOT be fully present?

He has so much for you; we need only be still and listen.

Happy Mothers Day Mommas!!

Jenny Lee

For Further Reading and Encouragement read Nehemiah and Psalm 139

Are You Having Crazy Faith In The Midst Of Chaos?

November marks the beginning of the holidays, and man they can be tough. From running around like a chicken with your head cut off and making the kids Christmas parties, to suffering well in a season where people may be missing from your tribe. Maybe a death occurred, maybe tragedy struck physically and things are just disrupted from what use to be normal. But you are trying your darnest to love your people well.

But Jenny, how do I suffer well?

Let's talk about it. Here are some tangible tips that I hope help you this season or in hopes that this helps you love on someone in your corner.

  • Do not suffer or struggle alone. Be in community. Let people in. Even before the hard times hit. Dig deep and train up for when the hard times hit. (Heb. 10:24-25)

  • Physically confess you are in deep waters. Yes, God knows all we are going through, but speak it aloud and allow Him to hover over you. (Gen. 1:2)

  • Do not Pray in seasons of extraordinary need without the value of linking arms with a trusted circle of fellow believers. Confess your broken heart. Be vulnerable. It is okay to not be okay. (Psalm 34.18)

  • Remember it takes release of pride to reveal suffering, struggle and needs. There is extraordinary freedom when vulnerability is met with suffering well. Confess your weakness. When His sanctifying work is met with the reality of our depravity as humans, we are surrounded with His loving kindness and are able to SEE it! (2 Cor. 12:9)

All in all friend, have hope. If you only choose one thing this season, have hope and find the good in each day. With hope comes faith, and having crazy faith helps you remember you are so loved.

Until next time!

P.S. I hope the towel reminds you of this when you are in the kitchen - which we all know we will be at Thanksgiving! And if you are about to lose it at any point- grab the chocolate. Always chocolate.